Do you practice self- love? Do you know the difference between self-love and self-care?
In a busy world we can forget to look after ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually. As unique beings, loving yourself for who you are has a different meaning to each of us and is an integral part of our mind, body and soul. You may well think ‘I know how to love other people so I can love myself’, but that doesn’t mean you know.
Do you have a self-care routine or prioritise time out of your day to complete an activity that you enjoy? Sadly, this is something that can be neglected when caught up in day to day life, but it can have a big impact on our health and well-being.
Don’t worry, I understand!
After a busy and stressful day, whether that is in the workplace, learning environments, caring for children or others, the last thing you may think about doing is making time for self-love. However this can be taking a walk, cooking yourself a favourite meal or completing a nourishing skin care routine. Once we fall into the trap of not making time for ourselves, or neglecting our needs, we can hinder our productivity and the view we have of ourself. Sit back, relax and let’s work through it together.
I came across a quote which says, “low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand break on”. This couldn’t be truer for me! We can, however, take positive steps toward starting a journey of falling in love with ourselves, boosting our confidence and feeling content with who we are because we are all worthy of love and joy!
So what is the difference?
Self-love is the concept of being kind to yourself and accepting yourself for who you are in this very moment for everything you are, whereas self-care is taking care of yourself physically and mentally and taking part in an activity for yourself that is of benefit. Did you know practicing self-care and self-love can provide nourishing unconditional comfort and safety? Believe me, we all need this in today’s society to exist as a healthy and happy human being.
For me, I thought I was thriving being a student, running my own home, being in a relationship and supporting the people around me. But at times I felt something was missing. Once I acknowledged the missing piece was self-love I could start to remedy this. Having grown up appreciating the idea to put others before myself, which I am very good at, actually led me to neglect my own needs, thoughts and feelings leaving me with a negative view of myself.
Are you guilty of always saying yes?
Me too! Why is it so hard to say no? Is it because we have the idea that saying no is selfish or we fear missing out or worry about the impact of saying no on others? Whatever the reason it is challenging when you first start to prioritise your needs but putting yourself first is essential to your well-being and saying no does become easier. It might feel easier to satisfy the needs of others but it comes at a price. As you start to love yourself and listen to your body you will know what you want, think and feel.
Okay how do we practice self-care and self-love?
To start try writing down a few things that you love about yourself. I have started spending five minutes in the morning when getting ready for the day identifying three things I love about myself. I have found this simple task sets me up for the day. Give it a go and talk to yourself like you would someone you love. Be gentle, be someone who makes you happy and remind yourself you are worthy of love, respect and being noticed. Looking after yourself will enable you to better take care of others too. As the saying goes ‘You can’t pour from an empty’ cup so be sure to fill yours first with love and kindness!
Self-care can be anything from going out for a walk and taking in all the beautiful views and nature we have around us, spending time alone listening to your favourite music, cooking yourself your favourite meal or even just applying your favourite moisturiser that leaves you feeling nourished and smelling of the beautiful scent. Anything that makes you feel relaxed, at ease with yourself and allows you time to connect with yourself can have a beneficial impact on your wellbeing and performance in daily occupations. I know when I read a few pages of a book, how relaxed I feel and able to switch off from every day life, take time off the phone screen which can be glued to my hand at times and just feel connected to my thoughts and feelings. Once you start doing one thing for yourself, you will really feel the benefit and it will become an essential part of your day to look forward to.
Nobody is you and that is your superpower!
Take the step to accepting your imperfections, challenging yourself, recognising your strengths and valuing your feelings because YOU are the priority and you should feel proud of who you are. Start today allowing yourself to complete a self-care activity, reminding yourself it is not a luxury but a necessity to your well-being and enjoy spending time focusing on you!
“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we’ll ever do”