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Wardrobe decluttering in Worcester


Wardrobe decluttering can be most cathartic and if you live in Worcester or hereabouts I can come to your home and share the magic. Don't worry if you're further afield as my online wardrobe decluttering service is well-practised too.

A wardrobe declutter, or sometimes called a wardrobe edit, can be a weight lifted from your shoulders. How do I know this? Because my clients tell me all the time. What often starts with a plea for help will end with a declaration of wow, why did I not do this sooner?

wardrobe declutter before full of clothes disorganised

Whether your wardrobe simply lacks organisation or is categorically bursting at the seams it's sending a niggly message to your brain each and every day. If every single day starts with a niggle imagine how it might accumulate over time. Now I love a bit of KonMari or Feng Shui and whilst I'm no expert I am a firm believer in the super power of a tidy organised space within your home. I also love clothes and believe they should be looked after to achieve longevity. If you've read my previous blogs on sustainable shopping and preloved buying then you'll know my feelings that we can all do a little bit more. Managing your wardrobe is also a little bit more you can do to start living a more sustainable life.

What happens each time you put something new in your wardrobe without thinking about whether you actually need it or not is that you are gradually cluttering it up. You've heard the phrase 'a wardrobe full of clothes but nothing to wear' and the chances are most of us don't even know what we have hanging on that rail because when we have too much we just can't see it.

personal stylist wardrobe decluttering in Worcester Worcestershire image consultant wardrobe cleanse edit

And what happens when you can't see what you've got? You mindlessly buy more. And more and more and more before you eventually shout 'Jo, I need your help'. Whilst I'm not Stacey Solomon and won't be sorting your whole life out I can certainly sort out your wardrobe. After that my guidance will help you maintain it. If you don't maintain it that's ok, book me in on an annual basis. I can assure you you are not alone.

Why is decluttering your wardrobe so important? Well, it's so you can avoid the above; the overbuying, overspending, overindulging. A declutter gets rid of the clutter, and by clutter I mean the stuff that shouldn't be there any more and maybe even shouldn't have been there in the first place. Clutter will just hide all the good stuff. This is why when you do have an event to dress for you find it easier to go out and by more than you do to put something together from what you already have. 'But Jo, I really don't have an outfit for that event' I hear you cry. Darling you should! You should have something for every eventuality and that's where you spend your hard-earned first. Don't keep buying the latest trends because Tiktok told you to. Really get to know what the essence of your style is and THEN you can shop for that. Your aim is to have a wardrobe free of clutter but full of multiple combinations of clothes that can be adapted to suit all the events you frequent in your lifestyle.

Believe me, there are multiple benefits to having a professional wardrobe declutterer come in to do the job for you:-

1 I have no sentimental attachment to your clothes and can be straight with you about why you shouldn't be keeping the peach taffeta bridesmaid dress you wore for Aunty Maggie's wedding

2 I will encourage you to externalise your thought processes so you're not just having a conversation with yourself about 'wearing it one day'. If you haven't worn it 'one day' then you're not likely to

3 I've heard all the excuses and I won't judge you; I'm simply here to set you back on the organised wardrobe path

4 I will ask you for some information before your wardrobe declutter so I understand what it is that's bothering you and what you want to achieve

a pile of clothes during a wardrobe decluttering session in Worcestershire

5 I will ask you to remove everything from your wardrobe and put it on the bed. This is the Stacey Solomon bit. ALL of your clothes in one place, visible so you can see instantly that you have 53 Tee shirts and 48 of them are black. This was the contents of Jill's wardrobe and you will have to trust me when I say there is a bed underneath this pile, and a person behind it. We did find her again in the tidy up

6 Added bonus you can hoover out the bottom of the wardrobe whilst it's empty, I mean, when did you last do that?

7 I will guide you through a process of decision-making about what goes back in and what gets moved on

wardrobe decluttered by personal stylist in Worcester Worcestershire

8 What goes back in will be beautifully organised in colour and item specification so you can see with immediate effect what you have in terms of colour and item and importantly, what you don't have. You will be able to shop for NEED rather than WANT. Yes, you will have permission to shop if that's what you desire

9 If we're doing this in person, I will even take away all your unwanteds and it will be like I was never there but for this gleaming new organised space you can now wake up to every day

10 I'll follow up with a guide to what I think will help you keep your wardrobe clutter free from then on

If you've read this far and you're thinking 'well I can do all this myself' then good luck to you but if in three months you still haven't done it, I'm here. We constantly tell ourselves we'll sort that cupboard out or alphabetise our books (ok maybe not that one) but life gets in the way and we don't. The task becomes more onerous and the prospect of actually getting around to moves further and further into the distance before you become almost oblivious to the effect clutter can have on your mental health. Yes it can affect your health. Coming back to my earlier point about the little niggly messages we send ourselves every day, they build up. Imagine turning the daily groan of 'I really must sort out my wardrobe soon, it's bursting' into an exclamation of 'Look how gorgeous my wardrobe is, what shall I wear today?' It's powerful stuff, trust me!

So, in summary, if your wardrobe is in serious need of a declutter and you just know you're not going to get around to it give me a call and I'll sort it for you. All you have to do is keep it organised thereafter. A wardrobe declutter is fast becoming one of my most popular services since over-consumption and busier lifestyles have become the norm. You can book your wardrobe declutter here and start looking forward to a less cluttered start to every day.

Author Jo Gaffney, founder of Styling Life OT, is a Personal Stylist and Image Consultant as well as Mental Health Occupational Therapist offering services online and across Worcestershire to help you style the life you want to lead. Embrace your style and be empowered with confidence.

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