Do your friends frequently ask for your style advice?
Do you love the thrill of the clothes shopping hunt?
Do people often ask where you're going or where you've been based on your appearance?
Have you ever thought about turning your hand to a career as an image consultant?
It's never been easier than now! Let me tell you more............
I was (and still am) always being asked if I was going somewhere nice? I never quite knew why. I remember once changing jobs and on arrival in my new workplace was told that when the team knew I was coming they thought they better up their game. Again I didn't quite know what they meant but I accepted it as a nice compliment. My friends still knock the door now and say 'Oh, are you going out? Did you forget I was coming?'
Of course, now I know why it is and the knowing is liberating. When I reached a bit of a career hiatus in my 40s - hormones depleting, the prospect of another 20 odd years of working, children becoming less dependent - you know the score, I asked myself what I really did want to spend the rest of my working life doing. I know I am not alone and there will be many others sharing the same dilemma. It's common to have these thoughts after a maternity break or at peri-menopause and really for anyone who might find themselves working in functional roles that don't actually fill the satisfaction bank. I'd adored my career as a therapist but had wandered into corporate roles where I still loved the mentoring and leadership element but found the stresses of managing budgets and perpetual change made me unhappy. I would urge anyone to embrace change as soon as you feel this and not to wait until you are forty something.
Reconsidering what I would actually enjoy led me first to a further quandary. I had dedicated much of my adult life to motherhood and work. When I wasn't at work I was cleaning a home and caring for my family. I had spent my career as an occupational therapist and practice educator advising others on how to achieve occupational balance, live a fulfilling lifestyle but, of course, like many in the healthcare profession, I hadn't been following my own advice. I had zero hobbies! No leisurely pursuits. I was too knackered in the evenings to do anything meaningful. I avoided social occasions where I could and endured them when I couldn't. There was one thing I enjoyed though. Shopping! Clothes shopping!
A google search of careers that might involve shopping and clothes took me to 'image consultant'. I had no idea there were so many of them. When I went to my own image consultation it was liberating. The reason I was always being asked if I was going somewhere was because I always dressed like I was. As a creative with no creative hobbies my outlet was my wardrobe and my outfit combinations. One work colleague had remarked that my wardrobe must be mahoosive as she never saw me in the same outfit twice. Of course she did see me in the same clothes all the time but I was the master of mixing and matching so it looked like I owned much more.
Embarking on a career change cost me all the savings I had and a giant leap of faith. Once I got into my groove I felt more the therapist than I had done for years. The people that became my clients came for all sorts of reasons and left feeling better than when they arrived. Some were happy at that and some became long-term clients. I started to amalgamate years of experience as a therapist and my new skills as an image consultant.

Why am I telling you all this? Well because it's time to share the love and the knowledge but guess what? It won't cost you all your savings because there is a brand new style and colour training offer on the table. It does not shackle you to a costly franchise and will not take commission on your hard work. So how does it work?
The Style and Colour Academy Ltd offers an unrivalled training package to enable you to learn the art of being a stylist and set up your business upon successful completion. They offer modular training with the first being in colour analysis. You will also be welcomed into their supportive stylist community where you are encouraged to evolve your business alongside others. No competition! No judgment, just nurturing and growing. It is delivered by those with a combined 30 years in the image industry and backgrounds in education and health and wellbeing. They have your best interests and your business success at heart.
You can run your business how you desire - full-time, part-time, supplementary to another role, the choice is yours. This business can work in school hours if you need it to. You just need to be present for four days of in-person training and one day of online training. The course has been designed by women who know the art of juggling family time, finances and all the other demands that go with the territory. After the training there is monthly support, mentoring and further training should you want it. You will leave your first training with all the equipment you need to see your first few colour clients.
Colour analysis is a great start to your service profile. It offers instant impact with the majority of clients reporting newfound confidence and most saying they wish they'd done it sooner. With the rise in popularity through vehicles like Instagram and Tiktok there is a growing trend for 'knowing your colours'. Never before have we been so photographed and videoed and the desire to achieve a good look comes with it. But it's so much deeper than that. Learn to show your clients how colour can bring them into focus, help them stand out for the right reasons, enable them to achieve maximum outfit combinations and most importantly, to feel good. The academy will take you through not only the colour analysis process but give you the principles of colour psychology, how to prepare your environment, attract the right customers and evolve your business as you grow your skillset.
So if a career where making others feel better about themselves, spreading joy with colour, or coaching toward a functional, sustainable and beautiful wardrobe sounds like something that might fulfil you then don't delay, get in touch today! There is so much more information on the academy website so why not take a look if you need any more reasons to go for it!
I have never looked back!
